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The Spirit Husband

"The Spirit Husband" totally engaged me. Delila Crow is an adept and subtle writer who uses language well - she builds a strongly evocative sense of place and period for her tale. She also creates a richly detailed and (more of a feat) sympathetic view of a very specific spiritual path, one that's vital to the plot but not likely to be familiar to most readers. Another path (NO spoilers here!) also gets a clear and sympathetic treatment, not in the same depth but more than sufficient to tell the tale.
Crow's characters are engaging... heck, I liked the whole thing. While I was reading, I felt fully immersed in their world - vivid, if not always comfortable.
For those who appreciate some spiritual awareness in their fictional book choices, I recommend this.

About the Author

My writing is inspired by the places where I have lived and visited, by time spent in the world of nature, by the spiritual practice of shamanism and by traditional American folk magic. I believe that curiosity and imagination are two of our most precious gifts. My taste in reading is eclectic - everything from mystery and thrillers to tales of the paranormal to memoirs and books on travel. Books that combine two or more genres are particularly interesting to me, and that is what I have attempted in writing The Spirit Husband. My favorite authors are Alice Hoffman and the late Tony Hillerman. This is my first novel. I have worked as a registered nurse for all of my adult life, in a number of interesting settings. I currently live in the Denver, Colorado area with my two cats, Twinkie and Cupcake.